The Pipe Tool

I know what you are thinking. Why should I pay for this service? When we went about building this web application it was to solve a problem. We feel that we've solved that problem many times over with great feature sets in a way that stores the information securley in the cloud so you can always access it.

Much like Beer Exchange or Reddit, it costs for ongoing development, feature sets, and keeping the site running in top condition.This site is no different.

One of the great features here, is no more worrying about having the data your own computer or phone app that stores the data locally where it could be lost. For that reason alone, helping us keep the site up and running you should want to donate. But we're taking it a step furhter and building some great new functionality you're going to love. We feel like we've offered a variety of options for you to choose from. Help if you can. If not, light up a bowl and enjoy the basic feature set on us.


Wishlist Notification
Ability to Mark Pipes for Sale or Trade
Ability to Mark Tobacco for Sale or Trade
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Warm Fuzzy Feeling


Payment Options
Your Pipetool Email Account
NEW! We're trying out bitcoins if you're like to upgrade that way.
Donate Bitcoins