2015 Update!

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Well guys, it’s official we’re going alpha.  That means a select few of you are going to get your grubby hands on the tool for the first time and be able to test it out.  Be warned though that it’s still pretty raw and needs some polishing, and things are not going to work.  Also be aware that it’s also possible the entire database gets wiped before we go to beta.  That said, the backup function works just fine!

The list of things to be worked on in our phase II sprint is starting to get long and a phase III is already in the works with things that have to be pushed off until later.  One item though, is not; that’s pictures of pipes.  I was reminded just recently about the importance of chronicling my pipe collection with pictures and dates purchased when a friend of mine had his place burn down along with all his pipes.  You see insurance usually wants itemized information and pictures.  If my place burned down today, I wouldn’t have pics of all my pipes and tobacco.  Would you?

Currently the pipe module in the tool allows you to put your pipe in, and dimensions and date bought, but not to add a picture.  This is something that will change with the next release.  Now of course there are lots of functions to have to keep in mind when doing pictures – size constraints how much space on the server will the images take up, how do we sort and make sure they are backed up? Free websites like tobacco reviews let you upload pictures of tobacco all day, but this is different, this is pictures of your pipes in your collection.  Needless to say we’re going to be giving it some thought, just as I ponder on this new found use for this site that I hadn’t originally thought of, but believe it’s going to be important.

Comments (8)
  1. Dan Nemets January 24, 2015 at 2:46 am

    I think this functionality will be incredibly useful. I’m excited for things to continue rolling forward so I can use the Tool to it’s full capacity! Keep at it, gents!

    • YiYi February 21, 2016 at 3:29 pm

      Dear David,Friends of the pipe club Czech Republic have found your instruction How to fill your pipe . Everyone has tried it and it was ENORMOS SUCCESS! Your are the most plupoar man in Czech pipe community.Many, many thanks, this method is the greatist discovery in pipe-smoking world.I smoke about 40 years and are really delighted. No more pain in mouth, the tobacco tastes till the end of smoking.You are wizard.I smoke the latakia mixtures only. Could you please recommend me the heaviest tobacco Dunhillb4s Evening Cap seems to be weak now.Once more many thanks!Best regards from PraguePavel

  2. Dallas Hinton January 24, 2015 at 6:51 am

    You’re right, it IS important. Maybe a field for today’s value – some of us have antiques?

  3. mimmo February 14, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    hi there, great work! testing here and there, one thing comes to my eyes: why should I fill (both in cellar and in reviews) all flavoring and contents notes of every tobacco? isnt that risky, i.e. everyone puts his own feelings and thoughts?

    • admin February 27, 2015 at 5:32 am

      The reviews are for you. Your data.

      • mimmo March 27, 2015 at 3:09 pm

        ok for the reviews, but what about cellar? I know I’m probably boring you (on facebook too!) but consider this: I buy a new tin of, say, McConnell Oriental Mixture, and want to add it to my cellar… should I go through all its components and tick them one by one? quite nonsense… and what if I go wrong? or forget one of them? and who tells me all the actual components of complex mixtures? AT LEAST consider copying them from a previous adding, dont force me going through it every time I add a tobacco! it’s a way to discourage from selecting components, I think…

  4. bbthepipesmoker December 10, 2015 at 4:49 am

    do you guys think you could make the cellar show the amount of tins you have total on the list of tobacco?

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